坏快找快抗找抉把-扼抗忘扶快把 技快找忘抖抖忘 我 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 SRC091E – 我扶找快抖抖快抗找批忘抖抆扶抑抄 扭把我忌抉把, 扭抉戒志抉抖攸攻投我抄 扼扭抉扼抉忌抉技 忌快扼抗抉扶找忘抗找扶抑抒 我戒技快把快扶我抄 (扼 扭把我技快扶快扶我快技 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抑抒 志抉抖扶) 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找抆 抉忌扶忘把批忪快扶我快 志技抉扶找我把抉志忘扶扶抑抒 志 扼找快扶批 扼我抖抉志抑抒 抗忘忌快抖快抄 我 忱把批忍抉忍抉 找我扭忘 扭把抉志抉忱抗我, 忘 找忘抗忪快 扼抗把抑找抑抒 技快找忘抖抖我折快扼抗我抒 改抖快技快扶找抉志. 妞 扭把我技快把批, 扭把我 扼志快把抖快扶我我 扼找快扶 忱抉志抉抖抆扶抉 扭把抉扼找抉 我戒忌快忪忘找抆 戒忘扼志快把抖我志忘扶我攸 改抖快抗找把我折快扼抗抉忍抉 扭把抉志抉忱忘 – 扼抖快忱批快找 扭把我技快扶我找抆 忱快找快抗找抉把, 我 批忱忘把 改抖快抗找把我折快扼抗我技 找抉抗抉技 我扼抗抖攻折忘快找扼攸. 坏快找快抗找抉把抑 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 我 技快找忘抖抖忘 扮我把抉抗抉 扭把我技快扶攸攻找 扭抉技抉投扶我抗我 扼找把抉我找快抖快抄 我 改抖快抗找把抉技抉扶找忘忪扶我抗抉志.
妤把我技快扶快扶我快 忱快找快抗找抉把忘 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 我 技快找忘抖抖忘 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 抉忌快戒抉扭忘扼我找抆 扼扭快扯我忘抖我扼找忘 扭把我 扭把抉志快忱快扶我我 把忘忌抉找 扼 扭抉抖抉技, 扼找快扶忘技我, 扭抉找抉抖抗抉技, 找抉折扶抉 批抗忘戒抑志忘攸 技快扼找忘 戒忘抖快忍忘扶我攸 扭把抉志抉忱抗我, 技快找忘抖抖我折快扼抗我抒 扼抗抉忌 我 忱把批忍我抒 抉忌抓快抗找抉志.
妤把我忌抉把 抉扼扶忘投快扶 扳批扶抗扯我攸技我 忱快找快抗找我把抉志忘扶我攸 改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我, 技快忱扶抑抒 我 技快找忘抖抖我折快扼抗我抒 找把批忌; 我技快快找扼攸 忘志找抉抗忘抖我忌把抉志抗忘 我 戒志批抗抉志忘攸 扼我忍扶忘抖我戒忘扯我攸. 尿抖快抗找把抉扭我找忘扶我快
SRC091E 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找 忌忘找忘把快攸 9圾. |
SRC091E Metal and AC Live Wire
Product Description:
SRC091E Metal and AC Live Wire Detector can detect the location
of the metal pipe(such as water pipe) and the AC wire inside the
walls through electronic signals. It mainly applies for wires and
pipelines distribution on upholstery, installation of electrical
equipments (air conditioner and oil smoke extractor).
SRC091E Metal and AC Live Wire Detector can be automatically
calibrated with sensitive induction after starting up. Select mode
for AC live wires or metal detection through the function selection
switcher. Once the edges of AC live wires or metals are detected,
the scanner will send out sound and light indication and you can
easily mark the central position of the target on the measured
surface through the marker slot on top of the tool with pencil.
Name |
Metal and AC Live Wire Detector |
Type |
SRC091E |
Object of detection |
AC live wires and Metals |
Detection capability |
Iron pipe |
40mm deep away from the wall |
Copper pipe |
20mm deep away from the wall |
AC live wires |
80mm deep away from the wall |
Power supply |
A 9 volt block battery 6F22/6LR61,
battery not included |
Operation current |
<25mA |
Operation temperature |
+5∼C‵+40∼C |
Operation humidity |
30%‵70% |
Storage environment |
(battery not included) |
Dimensions |
160mm℅58mm℅35mm |
Weight |
About 110g (battery not included) |
Blister package;
Standard Quantity Per Carton: 10PCS;
Standard Carton Size: 25*23.5*19.5 CM
Standard Carton Weight: 3KGS
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SRC098 Intelligent Stud Scanner
Product Description:
SRC098 Intelligent Stud Scanner can detect joists, AC live wires or
metals behind walls through electronic signals. It mainly applies
for wires and pipelines distribution on upholstery, installation of
electrical equipments (air conditioner and oil smoke extractor) and
detection for frame of wood furniture, etc.
SRC098 Intelligent Stud Scanner can be automatically calibrated with
sensitive induction after starting up. Select mode for joists, AC
live wires or metal detection through the function selection
switcher. Once the edges of joists, AC live wires or metals are
detected, the scanner will send out acousto-optic indication and you
can easily mark the central position of the target on the measured
surface through the marker aperture on top of the tool with pencil.
SRC098 Intelligent Stud Scanner has the function of alarm for AC
live wires, when it detects the AC live wires out, the live wires
caution light at the top of the tool will illumine, meanwhile this
will not affect detection for joists or metals, disregard that the
function switcher is set in the mode of joists or metals.
LED Indication;
Detecting function (Depth): Wood(19mm);
AC Wire(50mm); Copper pipe (19mm); Iron pipe:(38mm)
Blister package;
Standard Quantity Per Carton: 20PCS;
Standard Carton Size: 54*41*21 CM
Standard Carton Weight: 10KGS |
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妒扶找快抖抖快抗找批忘抖抆扶抑抄 忱快找快抗找抉把 SRC098-YB – 批扶我志快把扼忘抖抆扶抑抄 扭把我忌抉把 3-志-1, 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 扭抉扼把快忱扼找志抉技 志扼找把抉快扶扶抉忍抉 改抖快抗找把抉扶扶抉忍抉 忱快找快抗找抉把忘 抉忌扶忘把批忪我志忘找抆 戒忘抖快忍忘扶我快 志 扼找快扶忘抒 技快找忘抖抖我折快扼抗我抒, 技快忱扶抑抒 找把批忌, 忘把技忘找批把抑, 改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我 我 忌忘抖抉抗.
妊抗忘扶快把 志快忱快找 把忘忌抉找批 扭抉 技快找抉忱我抗快 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抑抒 改抒抉抖抉找抉志, 折找抉 忱忘快找 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 忱快找快抗找我把抉志忘找抆 抉忌抓快抗找抑 扶忘 忱抉志抉抖抆扶抉 忍抖批忌抉抗抉技 批把抉志扶快 戒忘抖快忍忘扶我攸. 孜批扶抗扯我攸 忱快找快抗找我把抉志忘扶我攸 技快找忘抖抖忘 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 扶快 我扼扭抉把找我找抆 扼抗把抑找抑快 抗抉扶扼找把批抗扯我我, 忘 找忘抗忪快 扶快 扭抉志把快忱我找抆 扼找把抉我找快抖抆扶抑抄 我扶扼找把批技快扶找. 坎忘抖抗我 – 改找抉 扶快扼批投我快 改抖快技快扶找抑 抗抉扶扼找把批抗扯我抄, 我抒 扭抉我扼抗 找忘抗忪快 戒扶忘折我找快抖抆扶抉 批扭把抉投忘快找扼攸 志 扼找快扶忘抒 我 忱把批忍我抒 改抖快技快扶找忘抒 戒忱忘扶我抄 我 扼抉抉把批忪快扶我抄 扼 扭抉技抉投抆攻 忱快找快抗找抉把忘
SRC098-YB. 妤抉志把快忪忱快扶我快 改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 扶快 技快扶快快 抉扭忘扼扶抑技 扭把我 扭把抉志快忱快扶我我 志扶批找把快扶扶我抒 把忘忌抉找 志 扭抉技快投快扶我攸抒. 妤把我忌抉把 扭抉戒志抉抖我找 忌快戒抉扮我忌抉折扶抉 抉扭把快忱快抖我找抆 技快扼找抉把忘扼扭抉抖抉忪快扶我快 扭把抉志抉忱忘 我 我戒志快扼找我找 戒志批抗抉志抑技 扼我忍扶忘抖抉技.
坏快找快抗找抉把 扭把抉志抉忱抗我, 技快找忘抖抖忘 我 忌忘抖抉抗
SRC098-YB 抉扼扶忘投快扶 扳批扶抗扯我快抄 忘志找抉技忘找我折快扼抗抉抄 抗忘抖我忌把抉志抗我, 忘 找忘抗忪快 戒志批抗抉志抉抄 扼我忍扶忘抖我戒忘扯我快抄 我 抉把忍忘扶我折扶抉抄 扭抉忱扼志快找抗抉抄 改抗把忘扶忘.
妤我找忘扶我快 扯我扳把抉志抉忍抉 扼抗忘扶快把忘 SRC098-YB 抉扼批投快扼找志抖攸快找扼攸 抉找 忌忘找忘把快抄抗我 9圾.
SRC098-Y Intelligent Stud Scanner
SRC098-YB Intelligent Stud
Scanner (With backlight)
Product Description:
SRC098-Y Intelligent Stud Scanner can detect joists, AC live wires
or metals behind walls through electronic signals. It mainly applies
for wires and pipelines distribution on upholstery, installation of
electrical equipments (air conditioner and oil smoke extractor) and
detection for frame of wood furniture, etc.
SRC098-Y Intelligent Stud Scanner can be automatically calibrated
with sensitive induction after starting up. Select mode for joists,
AC live wires or metal detection through the function selection
switcher. Once the edges of joists, AC live wires or metals are
detected, the scanner will send out sound indication and you can
easily mark the central position of the target on the measured
surface through the marker slot on top of the tool with pencil.
SRC098-Y Intelligent Stud Scanner has the function of alarm for AC
live wires, when it detects the AC live wires out, the live wires
caution symbol at the left top of the tool will illumine, meanwhile
this will not affect detection for joists or metals, disregard that
the function switcher is set in the mode of joists or metals.
Detecting function (Depth): Wood(19mm); AC Wire(50mm); Copper pipe
(19mm); Iron pipe:(38mm)
Object of detection |
Wood joists, AC live wires and Metals |
Detection capability |
Wood joists |
Thickness of wall is 3/4 inches. |
AC live wires |
2 inches deep away from the wall |
Metals |
1 1/2 inches deep away from wall |
Power supply |
A 9 volt block battery |
Battery life |
One year in normal use |
Operation temperature |
to +40∼C |
Dimensions |
180mm℅75mm℅30mm |
Blister package;
Standard Quantity Per Carton: 20PCS;
Standard Carton Size: 54*41*21.5 CM
Standard Carton Weight: 10KGS |
﹛ |
﹛ |
SRC092 AC Live Wire Detector
Product Description:
The SRC092 AC Live Wire Finder detects the position and course trend
of AC live wires in dry wall through electronic signals and it can
also instantly distinguish live wires from ground wires. It is
suitable to use in indoor decoration, service and installation of
electrical equipments, as well as circuits construction and wires
SRC092 AC Live Wire Finder is easy to operate and with high
induction. When approaching or detecting the AC voltage, the
indicator light of the tool will flash constantly and at the same
time beeps sound.
The tool is safe in use and requires no physical contact during
detection; It is an essential tool in daily use.
Red indication with sound;
Detecting object:90-250Vㄗ50-60Hz);
Detecting depth:About 0-40mm (Be
affected by humidity)
Blister package;
Standard Quantity Per Carton: 40PCS;
Standard Carton Size: 35*26*21 CM
Standard Carton Weight: 4KGS
坏快找快抗找抉把 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 SRC092 – 我扶找快抖抖快抗找批忘抖抆扶抑抄 扼抉志把快技快扶扶抑抄 扯我扳把抉志抉抄 扼抗忘扶快把, 扭抉戒志抉抖攸攻投我抄 扼 扭抉技抉投抆攻 志扼找把抉快扶扶抉抄 扭抉我扼抗抉志抉抄 扼我扼找快技抑 抉扭把快忱快抖攸找抆 把忘扼扭抉抖抉忪快扶我快 扼抗把抑找抉抄 改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我 我 忱把批忍我抒 改抖快技快扶找抉志.
妤把我忌抉把 抉扼批投快扼找志抖攸快找 扼抗忘扶我把抉志忘扶我快 扭抉 扭把我扶扯我扭批 改抒抉抖抉找忘, 折找抉 扭把快忱抉扼找忘志抖攸快找 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 我扼扼抖快忱抉志忘找抆 抉忌抓快抗找抑, 扼抗把抑找抑快 忱抉志抉抖抆扶抉 忍抖批忌抉抗抉 志 扼找快扶忘抒. 孜批扶抗扯我攸 忱快找快抗找我把抉志忘扶我攸 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 扶快 扭抉志把快忱我找抆 扼抗把抑找抑快 改抖快抗找把抉扼快找我, 忘 找忘抗忪快 扭把快忱抉找志把忘找我找抆 扶快扼折忘扼找扶抑抄 扼抖批折忘抄, 扼志攸戒忘扶扶抑抄 扼 批忱忘把抉技 找抉抗抉技.
妤抉志把快忪忱快扶我快 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 抉扭忘扼扶抉 忱抖攸 技忘扼找快把忘, 扭把抉志抉忱攸投快忍抉 志扶批找把快扶扶我快 把忘忌抉找抑 志 扭抉技快投快扶我攸抒. 妤把我忌抉把
SRC092 找抉折扶抉 抉扭把快忱快抖我找 把忘扼扭抉抖抉忪快扶我快 扭把抉志抉忱忘 我 我戒忱忘扼找 戒志批抗抉志抉抄 我 扼志快找抉志抉抄 扼我忍扶忘抖.
妊抗忘扶快把 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 SRC092 我技快快找 忘志找抉技忘找我折快扼抗批攻 抗忘抖我忌把抉志抗批. 妤我找忘扶我快 扯我扳把抉志抉忍抉 扼抗忘扶快把忘 抉扼批投快扼找志抖攸快找扼攸 忱志批技攸 扼找忘扶忱忘把找扶抑技我 忌忘找忘把快攸技我 找我扭忘 均均均.
妞抉技扭忘抗找扶抑快 把忘戒技快把抑 我 攸把抗我抄 忱我戒忘抄扶 忱快抖忘攻找 改抖快抗找把抉扶扶抑抄 扭把我忌抉把-忱快找快抗找抉把
扭把抉志抉忱抗我 SRC092 批忱抉忌扶抑技 志 扭把我技快扶快扶我我 我 志快扼抆技忘 扭抉扭批抖攸把扶抑技.
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big picture
孝扶我志快把扼忘抖抆扶抑抄 扭把我忌抉把 SRC109A 5 志 1 抉忱扶抉志把快技快扶扶抉 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 扼抉志把快技快扶扶抑技 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把抉技, 抖忘戒快把扶抑技 批把抉志扶快技, 忱快找快抗找抉把抉技 技快找忘抖抖忘, 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 我 抗把快扭快忪忘. 妤把我忌抉把 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找抆 找抉折扶抑快 戒忘技快把抑 把忘扼扼找抉攸扶我攸 忱抉 扭把快忱技快找抉志 我 抉忌抓快抗找抉志, 批忱忘抖快扶扶抑抒 忱抉 16-找我 技快找把抉志.
妍扼扶抉志扶抑技我 扳批扶抗扯我攸技我 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把忘
SRC109A 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 我戒技快把快扶我攸 找快技扭快把忘找批把抑, 把忘扼折快找忘 扭抖抉投忘忱我 我 抉忌抓快技忘 志 忘志找抉技忘找我折快扼抗抉技 把快忪我技快, 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 戒忘扭抉技我扶忘扶我攸 扭把抉志快忱快扶扶抑抒 我戒技快把快扶我抄. 孝忱抉忌扶抑抄 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把
SRC109A 抉扼扶忘投快扶 扭批戒抑把抆抗抉志抑技 批把抉志扶快技, 折找抉 扭抉戒志抉抖我找 戒扶忘折我找快抖抆扶抉 扭抉志抑扼我找抆 抗忘折快扼找志抉 我 扼抗抉把抉扼找抆 志抑扭抉抖扶攸快技抑抒 我戒技快把快扶我抄.
SRC109A 抉扼扶忘投快扶 扳批扶抗扯我快抄 技快找忘抖抖抉忱快找快抗找我把抉志忘扶我攸: 我技快快找扼攸 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 抉忌扶忘把批忪快扶我攸 扭抉抖抉忪快扶我攸 忌忘抖抉抗, 忘把技忘找批把抑 我 扼抗把抑找抉抄 改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我. 妖快抉忌抒抉忱我技抉 志抑忌把忘找抆 扼扭抉扼抉忌 扭抉我扼抗忘 扭抉扼把快忱扼找志抉技 扼扭快扯我忘抖抆扶抉忍抉 扭快把快抗抖攻折忘找快抖攸 – 抉扭扯我我 忱抖攸 忌忘抖抉抗, 忘把技忘找批把抑 我抖我 改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我. 妤把我 扼忌抖我忪快扶我我 扼 我扼抗抉技抑技 技快找忘抖抖我折快扼抗我技 抉忌抓快抗找抉技, 扼抗忘扶快把 扭抉扮抖快找 戒志批抗抉志抉快 抉扭抉志快投快扶我快, 我 抉扭快把忘找抉把 技抉忪快找 抉找技快找我找抆 把忘扼扭抉抖抉忪快扶我快 抉忌抓快抗找忘 技忘把抗快把抉技.
坏忘抖抆扶抉技快把 SRC109A 技抉忪快找 找忘抗忪快 抉忌把忘戒抉志忘找抆 志我忱我技批攻 抗把忘扼扶批攻 抖我扶我攻 扭抉扼把快忱扼找志抉技 抖忘戒快把忘 扶忘 抖攻忌抉抄 我戒 扭抉志快把抒扶抉扼找快抄.
SRC109A 5 in 1 Multifunction
(Distance, Laser Mark, AC
Wire/Metal/Stud Meter)
Product Description:
Distance measurement: The tool can effectively measure object's
distance within 16 meters. It contains the functions of sound
indication for pressing key, temperature display and memory,
which can conduct consecutive measurements, automatic area and
volume calculation. Convenient location and level bubble
assistant locating function can bring your work to a new level.
Stud detection: The tool can detect the position of joists, AC
live wires or metals. It will calibrate automatically after
turning on. Select mode for joists, AC live wires or metals
detection by setting the mode switch. Once approaching the edges
of joists, AC live wires or metals are detected, the scanner
will send out sound indication and you can easily mark the
central position of the measured surface through the marker slot
on top of the tool with pencil. The function of alarming for AC
live wires will duly remind you of noticing whether there are AC
live wires behind the wall, no matter functional switch is set
on wood or metal.
Laser mark function: The tool can generate a visible red laser
line on the surface of objects. It is convenient for you to
choose the desired position while constructing. The tool also
has the pin fixation function for using on the wall.
Measuring range: 0.6-16M;
Measuring precision: ㊣1%;
Detecting function of depth:
Wood(19mm); AC Wire(50mm); Copper pipe (19mm); Iron pipe:(38mm);
Laser marker function: 2m(1mW);
30S auto turn off
Blister package;
Standard Quantity Per Carton: 20PCS;
Standard Carton Size: 54*51*21 CM |
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Handheld Metal Detector
Function features:
*It features simple operation, exquisite design, convenient
conservation and low failure rate.
*Highly sensitive, it can easily detect pin-sized metal articles (or
even smaller metal articles).
*Its sensitivity can be adjusted according to the on-site
*Indication of low battery voltage (LED light is always on).
*It is praise worthy that its price/performance ratio is higher than
other products of the same category.
*There are two kinds of alarms, including sound & light and
Product parameters:
External dimensions: Length 395 mm*140 mm
Product weight: 20/box, 7.4 kg/box,
Packaging dimensions: 52.5 cmX31.6 cmX37.8 cm
Working power supply: 6F22ND 9 V battery (alkaline battery,
rechargeable battery)
Alarm modes: sound & light, vibration (switch) |
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Handheld Metal Detector with Red LED Alert
The MD-3003B1 is a high performance Hand Held Metal Detector
designed to meet the exact requirements of the security industry.
Typical uses will include body search for offensive weapons in crowd
control, airport and border security, checking parcels and letters
for metal objects and anywhere that hidden me tal needs to be
(1) Highly sensitive;
(2) Simple and convenient to use, no adjustment is required;
(3) The detection distance will not be changed when the battery
voltage drops from 9V to about 7V;
(4) Low power consumption, can work for 40 hours continuously;
(5) Audio/vibration LED alarm;
(6) There is automatic and continues alarm when the battery is used
(7) Switch on/off audio or vibration prompt function;
(8) High/low sensitivity
Detection distance:
Pin: 30-60mm
64 model handgun: 150mm
6 inch long knife: 160mm
Diameter 20mm Steel ball: 90mm;
Sensitivity: A 25-cent coin: 2.5 inch(0.6 inch)
Iron pipe-tube in 20mm: 4 inch(1.2 inch)
Power Voltage: 9V Standard (6F22) or Rechargeable Battery
Power: 270mW
Adjustment: Continuous
Alert: Audio, LED light, Vibration (for TS90A)
Dimensions (W℅L℅T): 80℅420℅40 mm
Weight: 430g (with battery) |
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Handheld Metal Detector
Function features:
*Simple and convenient operation
*It can easily detect pin-sized metal articles (3.5cm to the probe).
*It with a large detecting area can complete the detection by moving
from top to bottom, greatly improving the working efficiency.
*It has an independent battery low voltage system and the yellow
will be on.
*It has double indication modes, namely sound & light and vibration
to accurately and rapidly judge the metal position.
*With shielded damp-proof sensitivity adjusting hole, it seldom
fails and is economic and durable.
Product parameters:
External dimensions: Length 415 mm*65 mm*40 mm
Packaging dimensions: 44.5 cm*26.5 cm*52 cm
Unit gross weight: 0.5 KG/PCS
Product weight: 25/box, 13.3 kg/box
Working power supply: 6F22ND 9 V battery (alkaline battery,
rechargeable battery) |
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Handheld Metal Detector
The MD3008 is a high performance Hand Held Metal Detector designed
to meet the exact requirements of the security industry. The special
design of it*s detecting area makes this model has very high
sensitivity. It is adopted PC+ABS for mould material, and has
functions of durable material, fine workmanship, and easy carry. The
distinguishing feature is the streamlined design. Typical uses will
include body search for offensive weapons in crowd control, airport
and border security, checking parcels and letters for metal objects
and anywhere that hidden metal needs to be detected. It can be
charged and has powerful functions, low battery indicator, LED with
buzzer or viberation alarm. It is a good helper of security
(1) Stramlined, elegant appearance, super sensitivity.
(2) Detect ferrous and non-ferrous metal.
(3) 2 kinds of alarm method: buzzer & LED alarm; viberation & LED
(4) Adjustable sensitivity, easy use
(5) Low battery indicator/ Charge Lamp gives a timely alert
(6) After installing chargeable battery (*Optional) in the battery
compartment, you can charge the device directly.
A Charger
A Rechargeable Battery
Detection distance:
The sensitivity of the detector is
determined primarily by the size, shape and composition of the
object to be detected. Typical performance figures are given below:
Pin: 30-60mm
One coin: 75-100mm
6 inches knife: 160-180mm
64model hand gun: 180-195mm
(1) Power: 9V (6F22) standard or rechargeable battery (*Optional)
(2) Frequency: 35KHz
(3) Voltage: 9V (6F22)
(4) Weight: 225G (without battery)
(5) Size: 40(L) ℅8(W) ℅ 4(H)cm
(6) Operating Temperature: -20∼C
to +55∼C
(1) G.W./Unit: 420g
(2) Size/Unit: 50*10*5cm
(3) Qty./CNT: 30pcs |
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Handheld Metal Detector
Function features:
*Simple and convenient operation
*Fairly low consumption of battery
*Extremely high detecting speed
*Extremely high accuracy and sensitivity
*The battery management system continuously monitors the deficiency
of power and voltage.
*Most adapting to the man's hearing difference, it will generate
different alarm tones depending on the size and distance of metal.
*The alarm sound will last when finding metal and continuously lock
its correct position.
*The probe will give an alarm easily when a pin is 35mm to it.
Product parameters:
External dimensions: Length 395 mm*140 mm
Product weight: 20/box, 13 kg/box
Unit gross weight: 0.5 KG/1 PCS
Working power supply: 6F22ND 9 V battery (alkaline battery,
rechargeable battery)
Alarm modes: Simultaneous sound and light alarm |
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Hand Held Metal Detector (16 LED
Lights alarm)
1. Adjustable sensitivity
2. One switch operation
3. LED lights only, red LED and sound alarm
4. One 9V battery required, ( Not including in the price)
5. Operating frequency: 52KHz+/-10%(Sine wave)
6. Audio tone changes as the metal size changes, . It can distiguish
the size of metal according to the sound from low to high. At the
same time, this model also can locate the place of the metal, it is
also the different from other security handheld metal detectors
7. Heavy duty frame, rugged, high-impact case with reinforced coil
compartment. ABS materials
8. Detects medium sized pistol from 9"; Arge knife from 6", razor
blade and box cutter from 3", foil-wrapped drugs and tiny jewelry
from 1".
Momentary push button temporarily eliminates detection of nearby
ambient metal such as metal
Width 3.25" (8.3 cm)
Thickness 1.625" (4.13 cm)
Length 16.5" (42 cm)
Weight 17.6 oz. (500 g) |
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Handheld Metal Detector
*With super high sensitivity, it can detect extremely tiny metal
*The adjusting button can eliminate interference.
*The auto-testing will begin when it is turned on.
*It needn't adjustment. With a large scan area it can rapidly and
accurately complete the detection.
Operation instruction:
Working frequency: 95 KHZ
Size: 42 cmX4.13 cmX8.3 cm
Weight: 0.5 KG
Adjusting mode: Automatic
Battery: a 9 V battery (can afford 80 hours of normal
Indicator: The sound gradually rises. |
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Handheld Metal Detector
Product features:
*It features advanced structure
design concept, unparalleled streamline shape rich in rhythm.
*It features large and even detection working area, super high
sensitivity, simple and convenient operation.
*One need not adjust its detecting sensitivity by simply choosing
the high or low sensitivity range.
*The sound & light and vibration alarm can be switched by one
*It handle has adopted the anti-slip technique.
*It has adopted the world advanced wireless transmission charging
technology with self-dominated intellectual property right.
*Experts' comments: This model has thoroughly embodied aesthetics in
its overall design and application.
*Conforming to the ROHS and CE standards of European countries, this
model certainly will become a favorite of the high-end buyers.
Product parameters
External dimensions: Length 340 mm*40 mm
(handle diameter)*80mm
Working power supply: 6F22ND 9 V battery (alkaline battery,
battery). The rechargeable battery is strongly recommended.
Airproof capability: IP64
Alarm modes: sound or light alarm
Product weight: 365 g |
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UVSM916 Under Vehicle Search Mirrors
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UVSM911 Under Vehicle Search Mirrors
Capability to conduct rapid and effective visual searches of
Stainless steel handles for transportation
Protection of fixed installations and other potential targets
Searches for contraband material
With 30 x 30cm convex acrylic mirror
With fluorescent lighting mounted on casters
For searching the underside of vehicles
Mirror offers wide field of view
Hinged telescopic handle can be lowered to ground level for
maximum penetration
Illumination is provided by an energy efficient 6W fluorescent
Powered by rechargeable Lithium battery pack
Supports up to six hours continuous lighting
Telescopic rods with T-handle can be operated more conveniently
Composed by one hand with fold mode
Foldable and easy to carry anywhere
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SRM924+ Electronic Metal Detector
A metal detector uses an electromagnetic field to detect the
presence of a concealed metal object. Metal detectors are used at
security checkpoints to detect metallic weapons, but they cannot
detect weapons made of plastic or ceramic. They are used to find
gold and coins in the ground, and can also find land mines.
Detectable Indication |
Audio/LCD |
Maximum Explore Depth |
Aluminium board) |
Detectable Mode |
Ground Balance/Discrimination |
Explore Frequency |
455khz |
Ferrous& Non-ferrous Metal Distinguish |
Continuous Operating Time |
6-10 hours |
Low Battery Indication |
External Earphone Jack |
Sensitivity Adjustable |
Torch Light |
Operating Temperature |
0~60∼C |
Storing Temperature |
-20~70∼C |
Packing Information |
Power |
2000mA Li-battery |
Product Net Weight |
2500g |
Product Size |
30*30*113.5cm |
Packing |
Carton |
Standard Quantity Per Carton |
6PCS |
Standard Carton Size |
65.5*49.5*41.5cm |
Standard Carton Gross Weight |
16KG |
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MD3010II High
Sensitivity Gold Finder Treasure Hunter Metal Detector (1.5m
Fully Automatic and All
Metal Detectors - Your detector detects all kinds of metal
objects. Unless you have set for some objects that you don*t want to
The LCD with light, it improve to identify the metal in night or
caliginous outside.
Identity - The detected objects are
shown on the LCD display. You can decide immediately if the objects
worth to be recovered.
Target Elimination - You can set the
detector not to respond to some objects.
Tone for Target - You don*t have to
keep watching the LCD display, when an object is being detected, an
unique tone corresponding to a target will generate. You may even
searching when there is little or no light.
No Clumsy
Slack Cable - hidden search coil
cable (connecting between control unit and search coil) avoid
entangling and for ease of stem length adjustment.
Jack - provided for headphone
connection. Both stereo or mono headphone can be used.
Control - for adjusting the output
volume to the loud speaker or headphone.
Condition Indicator - shows the
conditions of the batteries in the battery compartment.
Search Coil - lets you use the
detector in the shallow water.
Stem - lets you adjust the detector*s
length for comfortable use. The micro-plug that connects the search
coil and the controller unit is made of metal which makes the plug
more reliable.
Armrest &
stem - designed to eliminate strain
on forearm. The nylon bracket to further secure the slip of the hand
compartment after long time holding the detector by arm.
Power -
Use six 1.5-volt AA alkaline batteries. The built in insolating
circuit helps avoid wrong battery connection and prolong the battery
colour - There are 3 colours: Yellow,
Black and Green to choose from.
Battery: 6 x 1.5V AA alkaline batteries (Note: the battery is not
allowed to ship by air mail, so the batteries is not included in the
Operating current: Standby - 65mA, Max - 150mA
Operating voltage range: 72 - 9.6V
Operating frequency: 7.5KHZ +/- 1KHZ
Sensitivety: Min. 8 inch (Test Coin: US 50 cent)
Audio frequency: 294HZ (re)
330HZ (me)
349HZ (fa)
392HZ (so)
440HZ (la)
494HZ (ti)
523HZ (do)
Tempreture range: -20 - 60 Celsius degree
Size: 540mm(L) x 345mm(W) x 150mm(H)
Gross Weight: 3kg
Weight: 1.1 kg |
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