Cigar Thermo-Hygrometer |
Cigar Thermo-Hygrometer
TH-1 Precision Circular Panel Hygrometer
Descriptions: With Circular shape, precision Panel Hygrometer is very easy to be inserted in humidor or box. LCD displays the current humidity with big digit and temperature with smaller. Please refer to the following picture of Circular Panel Hygrometer
9. Color: black, white, red or yellow |
TH-2 Mini Cigar Thermometer Hygrometer
Color: Golden, Sliver
TH-4 Thermo-hygrometer Module
Suitable for dry cabinet, cigar cabinet/box.
Left display shows inside humidity and right
shows inside temperature;
Humidity: 20%~95%(RH);
Unit size:
58x32x10mm; |
( If you need user manual or E-catalogue for above meters, please ask for at: )