ultrasonic distance meter, Ultrasonic Range finder               Laser distance meter, laser range finder

( range finder, rangefinder, Electronic range finder, digital distance meter, digital rangefinder, range measuring device, Ultrasonic Distance Measurer, Ultrasonic Distance Measurer With Laser Pointer, Ultrasonic Distance Meter With Laser Pointer, Ultrasonic Rangefinder With Laser Pointer, laser distance tester, laser distance Meter, laser range finder)

ultrasonic distance meter, ultrasonic range finder

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孝扶我志快把扼忘抖抆扶抑抄 扭把我忌抉把 SRC109A 5 志 1 抉忱扶抉志把快技快扶扶抉  攸志抖攸快找扼攸 扼抉志把快技快扶扶抑技 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把抉技, 抖忘戒快把扶抑技 批把抉志扶快技, 忱快找快抗找抉把抉技 技快找忘抖抖忘, 扭把抉志抉忱抗我 我 抗把快扭快忪忘. 妤把我忌抉把 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找抆 找抉折扶抑快 戒忘技快把抑 把忘扼扼找抉攸扶我攸 忱抉 扭把快忱技快找抉志 我 抉忌抓快抗找抉志, 批忱忘抖快扶扶抑抒 忱抉 16-找我 技快找把抉志.

妍扼扶抉志扶抑技我 扳批扶抗扯我攸技我 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把忘 SRC109A 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 我戒技快把快扶我攸 找快技扭快把忘找批把抑, 把忘扼折快找忘 扭抖抉投忘忱我 我 抉忌抓快技忘 志 忘志找抉技忘找我折快扼抗抉技 把快忪我技快, 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 戒忘扭抉技我扶忘扶我攸 扭把抉志快忱快扶扶抑抒 我戒技快把快扶我抄. 孝忱抉忌扶抑抄  忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把 SRC109A 抉扼扶忘投快扶 扭批戒抑把抆抗抉志抑技 批把抉志扶快技, 折找抉 扭抉戒志抉抖我找 戒扶忘折我找快抖抆扶抉 扭抉志抑扼我找抆 抗忘折快扼找志抉 我 扼抗抉把抉扼找抆 志抑扭抉抖扶攸快技抑抒 我戒技快把快扶我抄.

SRC109A 抉扼扶忘投快扶 扳批扶抗扯我快抄 技快找忘抖抖抉忱快找快抗找我把抉志忘扶我攸: 我技快快找扼攸 志抉戒技抉忪扶抉扼找抆 抉忌扶忘把批忪快扶我攸 扭抉抖抉忪快扶我攸 忌忘抖抉抗, 忘把技忘找批把抑 我 扼抗把抑找抉抄 改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我. 妖快抉忌抒抉忱我技抉 志抑忌把忘找抆 扼扭抉扼抉忌 扭抉我扼抗忘 扭抉扼把快忱扼找志抉技 扼扭快扯我忘抖抆扶抉忍抉 扭快把快抗抖攻折忘找快抖攸 – 抉扭扯我我  忱抖攸 忌忘抖抉抗, 忘把技忘找批把抑  我抖我  改抖快抗找把抉扭把抉志抉忱抗我. 妤把我 扼忌抖我忪快扶我我 扼 我扼抗抉技抑技 技快找忘抖抖我折快扼抗我技 抉忌抓快抗找抉技, 扼抗忘扶快把 扭抉扮抖快找 戒志批抗抉志抉快 抉扭抉志快投快扶我快, 我 抉扭快把忘找抉把 技抉忪快找 抉找技快找我找抆 把忘扼扭抉抖抉忪快扶我快 抉忌抓快抗找忘 技忘把抗快把抉技.  

坏忘抖抆扶抉技快把 SRC109A 技抉忪快找 找忘抗忪快 抉忌把忘戒抉志忘找抆 志我忱我技批攻 抗把忘扼扶批攻 抖我扶我攻 扭抉扼把快忱扼找志抉技 抖忘戒快把忘  扶忘 抖攻忌抉抄 我戒 扭抉志快把抒扶抉扼找快抄. 

SRC109A 5 in 1 Multifunction Gauge

(Distance, Laser Mark, AC Wire/Metal/Stud Meter)

Product Description:
Distance measurement: The tool can effectively measure object's distance within 16 meters. It contains the functions of sound indication for pressing key, temperature display and memory, which can conduct consecutive measurements, automatic area and volume calculation. Convenient location and level bubble assistant locating function can bring your work to a new level.
Stud detection: The tool can detect the position of joists, AC live wires or metals. It will calibrate automatically after turning on. Select mode for joists, AC live wires or metals detection by setting the mode switch. Once approaching the edges of joists, AC live wires or metals are detected, the scanner will send out sound indication and you can easily mark the central position of the measured surface through the marker slot on top of the tool with pencil. The function of alarming for AC live wires will duly remind you of noticing whether there are AC live wires behind the wall, no matter functional switch is set on wood or metal.
Laser mark function: The tool can generate a visible red laser line on the surface of objects. It is convenient for you to choose the desired position while constructing. The tool also has the pin fixation function for using on the wall.


Standard: CE, ISO9001:2000

Measuring Range: 0.6 ~ 16m (2 ~ 53 inch)

Calculation Range: 

Length: 9999.99 m (9999'11")

Area: 99999.9 m2 (99999.9 square feet)

Volume: 999999 m3 (999999 cubic feet)

Resolution: 0.01 m

Temperature Range: 0 ~ 40∼C (32 ~ 104∼F)

Auto Power Off: 30 seconds without operation

Backlight: Auto Turn Off after 15 seconds without operation

Stud Detector

Object of Detection: Wood Joists, AC Live Wire and Metals

Wood Joists: 19.05 mm (0.75 inches) Thickness of wall

AC Live Wire: 50.8 mm (2 inches) deep away from the wall

Metals: 38.1 mm (1.5 inches) deep away from the wall

Laser Marker

Laser Width: < 5mm

Laser Power: < 1mW

Wavelength: 630 ~ 660 nm

Laser Class: Class II

Recommended Use: Indoor or indirect sunlight

Temperature Range: 5 ~ 40∼C (41 ~ 104∼F)

Length of Laser Line: 2 m (6.56 feet)

Power: 1 x 9V Battery (included)

Power Consumption: < 50 mA

Size: approx. 170 x 85 x 45mm

Weight: approx. 235g (without the battery)


Blister package;

Standard Quantity Per Carton: 20PCS;

Standard Carton Size: 54*51*21 CM

妣我扶快抄抗忘 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志忘攸 SRC100 扭把快忱扶忘戒扶忘折快扶忘 忱抖攸 扭把抉志快忱快扶我攸 我戒技快把快扶我抄 扶忘 把忘扼扼找抉攸扶我我  忱抉 批忱忘抖快扶扶抉忍抉 扭把快忱技快找忘, 我忱快忘抖抆扶抉 扭抉忱抒抉忱我找 忱抖攸 把忘忌抉找抑 抗忘抗 志 扭抉技快投快扶我我, 忍忱快 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找抆 戒忘技快把抑 扶快 技快扮忘攻找 扼找抉把抉扶扶我快 扭把快忱技快找抑, 找忘抗 我 扶忘 抉找抗把抑找抉抄 技快扼找扶抉扼找我. 妤把我忌抉把 扭把快忱扶忘戒扶忘折快扶 忱抖攸 抉扭把快忱快抖快扶我攸 把忘扼扼找抉攸扶我攸 忌快扼抗抉扶找忘抗找扶抑技 技快找抉忱抉技, 扭抉扼把快忱扼找志抉技 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抉忍抉 我戒抖批折快扶我攸. 妓快戒批抖抆找忘找抑 扭抉抖批折快扶扶抑抒 我戒技快把快扶我抄 志抑志抉忱攸找扼攸 扶忘 志扼找把抉快扶扶抑抄 改抗把忘扶 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抉抄 抖我扶快抄抗我.

坏我忘扭忘戒抉扶 我戒技快把快扶我抄 扼抉扼找忘志抖攸快找 抉找 60扼技 忱抉 15技, 扭把我 技忘抗扼我技忘抖抆扶抉抄 扭抉忍把快扮扶抉扼找我 ㊣1 扼技. 圾把快技攸 扭把抉志快忱快扶我攸 抉忱扶抉忍抉 我戒技快把快扶我攸  扼抉扼找忘志抖攸快找  2 扼快抗批扶忱抑. 妓忘忌抉折忘攸 找快技扭快把忘找批把忘 扭把我忌抉把忘 每 抉找 0 忱抉 40∼妊. 

孝抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志忘攸 抖我扶快抄抗忘 SRC100 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 志抑扭抉抖扶攸找抆 扳批扶抗扯我攻 把忘扼折快找忘 扭抖抉投忘忱我 我 抉忌抓快技忘, 忘 找忘抗忪快 扭抉忱扼折我找抑志忘找抆 扼批技技抑 我戒技快把快扶扶抑抒 忱抖我扶. 

圾 抖我扶快抄抗批 志扼找把抉快扶 抖忘戒快把扶抑抄 批抗忘戒忘找快抖抆 扯快抖我 每 Laser Class II, 我技快快找扼攸 戒志批抗抉志忘攸 扼我忍扶忘抖我戒忘扯我攸 我 扭抉忱扼志快找抗忘 忱我扼扭抖快攸. 妤把我忌抉把 抉扼扶忘投快扶 扳批扶抗扯我快抄 忘志找抉抉找抗抖攻折快扶我攸.

妒扼找抉折扶我抗抉技  扭我找忘扶我攸 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 忘抗抗批技批抖攸找抉把扶忘攸 忌忘找忘把快攸 9圾. 妓忘戒技快把抑 扭把我忌抉把忘 每 180x53x39 技技, 志快扼 150忍.

SRC100 Manifold Electronic Gauge (Distance Meter)

Product Description:
SRC100 manifold electronic gauge determines the distance to the object through electronic signals with high speed and visual display. The tool with built-in computer chip has the function of memory, and it can be use in continuous integration measurement, automatic areas and volume counting and is an ideal tool for building and decoration industries (for example, land agent, upholstery designer and craftsman, etc. )
The tool has the function of laser orientation, it will send out a line of highlighted red laser beam to make you aim at the object easily when using. The automatic temperature compensation function of the tool can make the measuring result more accurately, and at the same time show the current environment temperature precisely.


Recommended use: Indoor
Measurement range: 2' to 50'(0. 6-15m)
Calculation range Length: 9999'11"sq ft (9999m)
Calculation range Area: 999999 sq ft (99999m2)
Calculation range Volume: 999999 cu ft (99999m3)
Resolution: 0.01m
Wavelength of laser: 630~660nm
Temperature range: -10to +40degreed centigrade
Laser Class: Class II
Power Supplying: One 9V battery
Power consumption: <40mA
Automatic off: the tool will be automatically off after 30 seconds disabling
Operating temperature: 0 to 40degrees centigrade
Size: 140mm x68mm x42mm

 Blister package;
 Standard Quantity Per Carton: 20PCS;
 Standard Carton Size: 50*48*19 CM

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坏志批扼找抉把抉扶扶攸攸 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志忘攸 抖我扶快抄抗忘, 抉扼扶忘投快扶扶忘攸 抖忘戒快把扶抑技 扯快抖快批抗忘戒忘找快抖快技 每 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把 SRC200. 尿抖快抗找把抉扶扶抑抄 扭把我忌抉把, 抗抉找抉把抑抄 扼抖批忪我找 忱抖攸 忌快扼抗抉扶找忘抗找扶抉忍抉 扼扭抉扼抉忌忘 抉扭把快忱快抖快扶我攸 把忘扼扼找抉攸扶我抄 忱抉 批忱忘抖快扶扶抑抒 抉忌抓快抗找抉志. 孜忘抗找我折快扼抗我, 扭把我扶扯我扭 把忘忌抉找抑 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抉忍抉 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把忘 扼抒抉忪 扼 改抒抉抖抉找抉技. 妤把我忌抉把 志抑志抉忱我找 把快戒批抖抆找忘找 我戒技快把快扶我抄 扶忘 扼扭快扯我忘抖抆扶抑抄 改抗把忘扶, 抗抉找抉把抑技 抉扼扶忘投快扶抉 批扼找把抉抄扼找志抉. 完忘扼找抉 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆 扭把我忌抉把抉志 扼扶忘忌忪忘快找 扼抉志把快技快扶扶抑快 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抑快 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把抑 把忘戒扶抉忍抉 把抉忱忘 忱抉扭抉抖扶我找快抖抆扶抑技我 扳批扶抗扯我攸技我, 抗抉找抉把抑快 扭抉戒志抉抖攸攻找 抉扭快把忘找抉把批 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找抆 志抑折我扼抖快扶我攸 扭抖抉投忘忱快抄  我 抉忌抓快技抉志 扭抉技快投快扶我抄 我 抉忌抓快抗找抉志, 抉扼扶抉志抑志忘攸扼抆 扶忘  把攸忱快 扭把抉志快忱快扶扶抑抒  我戒技快把快扶我抄. 

妍扼扶抉志抉抄 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找我 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抉忍抉 忱忘抖抆扶抉技快把忘 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 扭把我技快扶快扶我快 抗抉把抉找抗抉忍抉 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志抉忍抉 我技扭批抖抆扼忘. 妒技扭批抖抆扼, 忱抉扼找我忍扶批志 扯快抖快志抉忍抉 扭把快忱技快找忘, 抉找 扶快忍抉 抉找把忘忪忘快找扼攸 我 批抖忘志抖我志忘快找扼攸 扼扭快扯我忘抖抆扶抑技 忱忘找折我抗抉技 扭把我忌抉把忘.

妊抉志把快技快扶扶抑抄 攸把抗我抄 忱我戒忘抄扶 我 忱抉扭抉抖扶我找快抖抆扶抑快 扳批扶抗扯我我 忱快抖忘攻找 批抖抆找把忘戒志批抗抉志批攻 抖我扶快抄抗批 扶快戒忘技快扶我技抉抄 志 扼找把抉我找快抖抆扼找志快 我 扭把抉折我抒 扼扳快把忘抒 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找我, 忍忱快 扶快抉忌抒抉忱我技抉 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找抆 找抉折扶抑快 忌快扼抗抉扶找忘抗找扶抑快 我戒技快把快扶我攸 把忘扼扼找抉攸扶我抄.

SRC200 Bidirectional Ultrasonic Distance Meter

Product Description:
The tool with excellent design owns multinomial patents. Its unique bidirectional dynamic measurement technology makes the effective measurement distance can reach to 32 meters (104.9 feet). The tool has the function of long distance measurement. And it is easy to operate and clear to display. It is an ideal tool for building, decoration industries (for example, land agents, upholstery designers and craftsmen, etc).

Showing measured data (upper line) and computed result (bottom line) in one LCD
Bi-directional or single direction distance measurement
Measurement Ranges:
Single direction: 0.5 to 16 m (1.64 ~ 52.5 feet)
Bidirectional direction: 1 to 32 m (3.28 ~ 104.9 feet)
Memory recall feature
Memory and accumulation function
Display environment temperature, in ∼C or ∼F
Measures Length, area and volume
Horizontal and Vertical spirit levels
Base measurements
Measurement units: square foot (ft2), cubic foot (ft3), meter (m), square meter (m2) and cubic meter (m3)
630 ~ 660 nm wavelength of laser with 0.01m resolution
Accuracy: ㊣1%㊣1digit
Distance of limit measurement: 40m (under the standard test environment)
Manual & Automatic power-off
Left and right measured results
Addition operation with and without memory
Error warning display if out of specified range
Laser pointing, Sound indication and Backlight function
Automatic calculation of measured results
Selectable between m and ft
Indoor Use
Measuring Range:
Single Direction: 0.5 to 16 m (1.64 ~ 52.5 feet)
Bidirectional Direction: 1 ~ 32 m (3.28 ~ 104.9 feet)
Distance of limit measurement: 40m (under the standard test environment)
Accuracy: ㊣1% ㊣digit
Base Select: Left edge, mid point, right edge
Calculation Range:
Length: 9999' 11" (9999.99 m)
Area: 99999.9 sq. ft (99999.9 m2)
Volume: 999999 cu ft (999999 m3)
Resolution: 0.01 m
Wavelength: 630 ~ 660 nm
Temperature Range: 0 ~ 40 ∼C (32 ~ 104 ∼F)
Class II Laser Product
60 seconds automatic power off
Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 40 ∼C (32 ~ 104 ∼F)
Power Supply: 1 x 9V 6F22 Battery
Item Dimensions: approx. 180 (L) x 82 (W) x 49 (D) mm (7.08 x 3.23 x 1.93 inch)
Item Weight: approx. 195g (battery excluded)

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SRC100B Manifold Electronic Gauge (Distance Meter)

SRC100B-1 Manifold Electronic Gauge (Distance Meter) (with backlight)

Product Description:

Single or dynamic and continuous detecting Automatic calculation of room area, volume Laser locate
Level vials assistant locating function Sound indicates detecting result
Two row LCD , Transition of British measurement and metric system
Memorial and accumulative function ,Current room temperature display
Automatic turn-off for electricity saving ,The measurement distance is twice as traditional measurement.
Bidirectional distance measurement with midpoint indication function
Bidirectional or single direction distance measurement, easy to select
Indication function of low battery
Indoor decoration or construction , Inspection and evaluation of real agent , Garden virescence, fair disposal


Recommended use Indoor
Measurement range 2* to 53* (0.6 to 16m)
Calculation range Length 9999* 11** (9999.99m)
Area 99999.9 sq ft (99999.9 sq meter)
Volume 999999 cu ft (999999m3)
Resolution 0.01m
Wavelength of laser 630~660nm
Temperature range 0ºC to +40ºC
Laser Class Class II
Power supply One 9V battery
Power consumption <50mA
Automatic off The tool will be automatically off after 30 seconds disabling.
Operating temperature 32ºF to 104ºF (0ºC to 40ºC)
Size 142mm℅70mm℅40mm
Weight About 110g (battery not included)


Blister package;
Standard Quantity Per Carton: 20PCS;
Standard Carton Size: 48*46*19.5 CM

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SRC100C Manifold Electronic Gauge (Distance Meter)

SRC100C manifold electronic gauge determines the distance to the object through electronic signals with high speed and visual display. The tool with built-in computer chip has the function of memory, and it can be used in continuous integration measurement, automatic areas and volume counting. It is an ideal tool for building and decoration industries (for example, land agent, upholstery designer and craftsman, etc.)
The tool has the function of laser orientation and level bubble assistant locating function. It will send out a line of highlighted red laser beam to make you aim at the object easily when using. The automatic temperature compensation and key indication function of the tool can make the measuring result more accurately, and at the same time show the current environment temperature precisely.
SRC100C manifold electronic gauge is the Class II laser tool conforming to EN 60825-1 safety rule.


Recommended use


Measurement range

0.5~16m (2∩to 53∩)

Measurement accuracy


Calculation range


9999.99m (9999∩11∪)


99999.9m2 (99999.9 sq ft)


999999m3 (999999 cu ft)



Wavelength of laser


Temperature range

0ºC to +40ºC

Laser Class

Class II

Power supply

One 9V battery

Power consumption


Automatic off

The tool will be automatically off after 60seconds disabling.

Operating temperature

0ºC to 40ºC (32ºF to 104ºF)




About 141g (battery not included)

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SRC100D Manifold Electronic Gauge (Distance Meter)

SRC100D-1 Manifold Electronic Gauge (Distance Meter) (with backlight)

SRC100D manifold electronic gauge determines the distance to the object through electronic signals with high speed and visual display. The tool with built-in computer chip has the function of memory, and it can be used in continuous integration measurement, automatic areas and volume counting. It is an ideal tool for building and decoration industries (for example, land agent, upholstery designer and craftsman, etc.)
The tool has the function of laser orientation and level bubble assistant locating function. It will send out a line of highlighted red laser beam to make you aim at the object easily when using. The automatic temperature compensation and key indication function of the tool can make the measuring result more accurately, and at the same time show the current environment temperature precisely.
SRC100D manifold electronic gauge is the Class II laser tool conforming to EN 60825-1 safety rule


Recommended use


Measurement range

0.5~16m (2∩to 53∩)

Measurement accuracy


Calculation range


9999.99m (9999∩11∪)


99999.9m2 (99999.9 sq ft)


999999m3 (999999 cu ft)



Wavelength of laser


Temperature range

0ºC to +40ºC

Laser Class

Class II

Power supply

One 9V battery

Power consumption


Automatic off

The tool will be automatically off after 60seconds disabling.

Operating temperature

0ºC to 40ºC (32ºF to 104ºF)




About 150g (battery not included)

SRC101 Multi-function Ultrasonic Distance Meter/Range Finder
1) Perfect for realtors, builders, and anyone who needs a measurement or room's length, area or volume quickly
2) With laser point
3) Measure Range: 0.35 - 18.288m (1.0-60ft)
4) Feet/meter unit choose switch
5) Display: LCD; LCD with backlight
6) Area and volume calculation
7) Addition and subtraction functions
8) Error confirmation
9) Automatic power off
10) Certificate: Certified by CE

11)Harmonization system (HS) code: 90151000
1) Power: Alkaline battery 23A 9V
2) Accuracy: +/-0.5% at 77∼F (8~60ft)
3) Sensor Working Frequency 40kHz
4) Working Temperature: 40∼F to 100∼F
5) Ultrasonic Sensor Wave Length: 650nm
6) Output Power: < 1mw
7) Weight:109g
8) Color: Yellow
9) Size: 14.8 x 7.2 x 4.6cm (L x W x H)

SRC103 Multi-function Ultrasonic Distance Meter/Range Finder

1) Perfect for realtors, builders, and anyone who needs a measurement or room's length, area or volume quickly
2) With laser point
3) Measure Range: 0.35 - 18.288m (1.0-60ft)
4) Feet/meter unit choose switch
5) Display: LCD; LCD with backlight
6) Three memories: can preserve measure data
7) Area and volume calculation
8) Addition and subtraction functions
9) Memory clear function
10) Error confirmation
11) Automatic power off
12) Certificate: Certified by CE

13) Harmonization system (HS) code: 90151000
1) Power: Alkaline battery 23A 9V
2) Accuracy: +/-0.5% at 77∼F(8~60ft)
3) Sensor Working Frequency 40kHz
4) Working Temperature: 40∼F to 100∼F
5) Ultrasonic Sensor Wave Length: 650nm
6) Output Power: < 1mw
7) Weight:109g
8) Color: Yellow
9) Size: 15.5 x7.1 x 4.7cm (L x W x H)

 ( If you need user manual or E-catalogue for above meters, please ask for at: xiushunjie@163.com)

ultrasonic distance meter, Ultrasonic Range finder               Laser distance meter, laser range finder